Naples Dental and Wellness Center


General Dentistry & Cosmetic Dentistry located in Naples, FL

Veneers services offered in Naples, FL

Have you ever longed for a dazzling, Hollywood-level smile that lights up your entire face? Or maybe you just want to make some subtle improvements to your teeth. If you want to improve your appearance and your smile is less than you want it to be, dental veneers from Rodion Pinkhasov, DMD, at Naples Dental and Wellness Center, can give your smile a stunning makeover. To learn more about veneers, book an appointment at the Naples, Florida, office online or by phone.

What are dental veneers?

A dental veneer is a thin, tooth-shaped shell, typically made of porcelain, designed to look like your natural tooth — only better. A veneer fits over the front of your tooth and slightly wraps around the sides and the biting edge so it resembles and acts like a natural, real tooth. 

What kinds of improvements can veneers make?

Dr. Pinkhasov uses veneers to improve one or several of your teeth by hiding or correcting:

  • Chips
  • Cracks
  • Gaps
  • Discoloration
  • Crooked teeth

What are the advantages of veneers?

Veneers are a semi-permanent and effective way to improve your smile by hiding defects and creating a more flattering appearance. 

Once Dr. Pinkhasov prepares your teeth and applies the veneers, you can treat and care for them like natural teeth. Among other advantages of using veneers are:

Their natural look

If you want a new, natural look to your tooth without a new tooth, Dr. Pinkhasov can shape a veneer to make you eager to show off that smile.

Pick a shade

Maybe you want a little whiter smile, and with porcelain veneers, Dr. Pinkhasov can make it happen! 

Stain resistant

Your veneers will still show their actual color despite most of what you throw at them, but beware of the heavy hitters among colorful consumables! Beverages like wine, tea, coffee, and foods like berries, can eventually leave their mark. 

How do I get a dental veneer?

First, you'll consult Dr. Pinkhasov to review your expectations or goals. He will want to check your teeth and ensure veneers are appropriate for your desired look. He might also take X-rays and impressions of the teeth you plan to cover with a veneer.

The next step is making room for the veneers. Dr. Pinkhasov will give you a local anesthetic to help keep you comfortable, and he will remove about one-half millimeters of enamel from the surface of your tooth — matching the thickness of your veneer. 

Dr. Pinkhasov then makes an impression of the tooth and sends it to a dental lab, where the veneer will be made within a few weeks.

When the veneer is ready, Dr. Pinkhasov sets it in place. He makes adjustments as needed, and the coloring in the cement he’ll use can help him match the veneer’s color perfectly. A specialized light is then beamed on the veneer, hardening the cement quickly.

To get started on your long-lasting, beautiful new smile, contact Dr. Pinkhasov for a veneer consultation by phoning the friendly, experienced team or booking online using the convenient booking agent.