Naples Dental and Wellness Center


General Dentistry & Cosmetic Dentistry located in Naples, FL

Dentures services offered in Naples, FL

Missing teeth affect every aspect of your daily life, from eating and speaking to your self-confidence. With extensive experience replacing missing teeth, Rodion Pinkhasov, DMD, can create custom-made dentures that restore your tooth function and appearance at Naples Dental and Wellness Center in Naples, Florida. Call the office today or schedule an appointment online to determine if dentures are right for you.

What are dentures?

Dentures are custom-made prosthetics that restore your oral function and replace missing teeth. They consist of artificial teeth, gums, and surrounding tissues, creating a natural-looking and functional dental restoration. 

Dentures are designed to fit your mouth comfortably, allowing you to chew, speak, and smile confidently. They’re a reliable and affordable solution for restoring your smile.

What are the different types of dentures?

Dr. Pinkhasov offers multiple types of dentures at Naples Dental and Wellness Center, including:

Complete dentures

Complete dentures are custom-made prosthetics that can replace full arches of teeth. With artificial teeth, gums, and tissues that cover the roof of your mouth, they can replace all the teeth in your upper or lower jaw.

Partial dentures

Partial dentures replace select teeth. While they contain artificial teeth and gums, they don’t cover the roof of your mouth. Instead, partial dentures connect to metal or ceramic framework that attaches to your healthy teeth.

Implant-supported dentures

Implant-support dentures provide unmatched support and stability for your replacement teeth. They attach to titanium replacement tooth roots called dental implants.

Dr. Pinkhasov can recommend the appropriate type of dentures for you based on your oral health, goals, and level of tooth loss.

What can I expect from getting dentures?

Creating dentures is a multistep process that includes the following:

Consultation and treatment planning

If you have missing teeth, Dr. Pinkhasov discusses your needs and expectations, performs a comprehensive dental evaluation, and takes X-rays to determine if dentures are the right option for you.

Impressions and measurements

Taking highly accurate impressions of your teeth and measuring your mouth are essential to creating dentures that feel comfortable and look natural.

Temporary dentures

After removing any decayed or badly damaged teeth, Dr. Pinkhasov gives you temporary dentures while you wait for your permanent restorations.


Dr. Pinkhasov sends your impressions and measurements to a dental lab to fabricate your permanent dentures.


Once your dentures are ready, you return to Dr. Pinkhasov’s office for a fitting to ensure the proper alignment. 

Dentures can last for more than a decade with proper care and regular relining visits to Dr. Pinkhasov’s office. Call Naples Dental and Wellness Center today or schedule an appointment online to learn more.