Naples Dental and Wellness Center

Crowns and Bridges

General Dentistry & Cosmetic Dentistry located in Naples, FL
Crowns and Bridges

Crowns and Bridges services offered in Naples, FL

While permanent teeth are meant to last a lifetime, various factors can sometimes lead to the need for restorative treatments like crowns and bridges. Experienced dentist Rodion Pinkhasov, DMD, understands the importance of preserving and enhancing the longevity of natural teeth. At Naples Dental and Wellness Center in Naples, Florida, he provides durable and long-lasting crowns and bridges to restore your natural tooth function and appearance. Call or schedule an appointment online today to learn more.

What are crowns and bridges?

Crowns and bridges are custom-made dental restorations that aim to improve the function and appearance of damaged or missing teeth. 

A crown is a cap molded into the shape of a tooth. It fits over the crown — the visible portion of a tooth — to restore its shape and size. Crowns cover and protect damaged teeth. They can:

  • Hide chipped, cracked, or broken teeth
  • Join a dental bridge
  • Protect a tooth after root canal therapy
  • Connect to a dental implant

Dental bridges use a combination of crowns and prosthetic teeth to replace one or more missing teeth. They typically consist of two crowns with artificial teeth in the center. The crowns fit over your surrounding teeth to secure the bridge in place.

I’m getting crowns and bridges. What can I expect?

Crowns and bridges usually take at least two appointments to place. During your first visit, Dr. Pinkhasov performs a dental exam and assesses your individual needs. He may recommend a specific bridge or crown material, such as porcelain, ceramic, or metal, based on the results of your initial exam.

Preparing your teeth is the first step in placing crowns and bridges. First, Dr. Pinkhasov thoroughly cleans your teeth, then files and reshapes them. This process helps to make room for the crowns. Next, he takes digital impressions of your teeth to create custom-made restoration. Finally, he places temporary crowns and bridges.

When your restorations are ready about 2-3 weeks later, Dr. Pinkhasov removes the temporary restorations and places your permanent crowns and bridges. He makes minor adjustments to ensure the proper fit and appearance before cementing them in place.

Can I eat anything with crowns and bridges?

Crowns and bridges can last more than a decade with proper care. While you can enjoy a versatile diet, there are a few foods you should avoid with these restorations, such as:

  • Popcorn
  • Hard or crunchy foods
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Ice
  • Sticky candies

You should also avoid biting or nails, chewing on pen caps, and any other habits that involve biting hard objects.

Should I choose crowns and bridges over dental implants?

Crowns and bridges are an affordable alternative to dental implants. They also take less time to plan and place. While dental implants are typically considered the gold standard for replacing missing teeth, they require sufficient healthy bone for successful placement. After a comprehensive evaluation, Dr. Pinkhasov can recommend the appropriate treatment.

Call Naples Dental and Wellness Center today or schedule an appointment online to learn more about crowns and bridges.