Naples Dental and Wellness Center

Cosmetic Dentistry

General Dentistry & Cosmetic Dentistry located in Naples, FL
Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic Dentistry services offered in Naples, FL

A beautiful smile brings harmony and balance to your face. If you’re unhappy with your smile’s appearance, experienced dentist Rodion Pinkhasov, DMD, offers numerous cosmetic treatments at Naples Dental and Wellness Center in Naples, Florida. Teeth whitening, veneers, and dental bonding are just a few treatments available to correct imperfections in your teeth and boost your smile. Call the office today or schedule an appointment online to learn more about cosmetic dentistry.

What is cosmetic dentistry?

Cosmetic dentistry focuses on enhancing the beauty of your smile by fixing aesthetic imperfections. While many cosmetic treatments can help improve your tooth function, they primarily aim to improve the appearance of your teeth and gums. With extensive experience in cosmetic dentistry, Dr. Pinkhasov blends artistry and skill to transform your smile.

I’m embarrassed by my teeth. Can cosmetic dentistry help?

Cosmetic dentistry can address many aesthetic concerns that may diminish your confidence and make you feel embarrassed about your smile, including:

  • Chipped, cracked, or broken teeth
  • Discolored teeth
  • Mishappen teeth
  • Teeth worn down by grinding (bruxism)
  • Gapped teeth
  • Crooked or misaligned teeth
  • Uneven teeth

With personalized treatment plans, Dr. Pinkhasov can help create a smile you enjoy showing off. He can even combine multiple treatments to give you a full smile makeover.

Which cosmetic dentistry treatment is right for me?

Dr. Pinkhasov offers many cosmetic treatments at Naples Dental and Wellness Center, including:

Teeth whitening

Teeth whitening lightens the shade of your teeth with a solution made of carbamide or hydrogen peroxide. The peroxide solution reacts with the stain molecules in your teeth to promote a brighter, whiter smile. 


Veneers are custom-made shells that bond to the surface of your teeth. These covers are made of porcelain or laminate and hide imperfections, such as tooth stains, chips or cracks, gaps, and uneven teeth.


Invisalign is an orthodontic alternative to braces. While braces include metal brackets and wires that adhere to the surface of your teeth, Invisalign uses clear aligners to correct orthodontic concerns. These custom-made aligners are clear, comfortable, and removable.

Dental bonding

Dental bonding uses composite resin materials to fill small chips, cracks, gaps, and misshapen teeth.

Crowns and bridges

Crowns and bridges are dental restorations that improve your tooth function and appearance. Crowns are dental caps that cover and restore damaged or decayed teeth, while bridges fill in the spaces left behind by missing teeth.

Gum contouring

If your gums appear too long for your teeth, Dr. Pinkhasov offers laser gum surgery to remove excess tissue and restore balance to your smile.

Cosmetic dentistry can boost your confidence and appearance. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Pinkhasov, call Naples Dental and Wellness Center today or book a visit online.